Show that you care about your employees

Adopt the anonymous reporting tool.

Offer your employees a secure and confidential platform to share concerns and ideas. EuroEtica is the right choice to get continuous feedback from your employees allowing you to promptly address issues and foster an environment of positivity and productivity.
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Immediate Alert to Case Managers
It helps you prevent
Simple and intuitive platform
Comply with whistleblower protection laws
With EuroEtica, you offer your employees the opportunity to express their concerns and address issues at their source.

Prevention is better than cure

Through our whistleblowing platform, EuroEtica enables organizations to take a preventive stance against potential problems. Our platform ensures:
Anonymity and safety: Ensures that employees feel safe when reporting problems without fear of retaliation.
– Ease of use: A user-friendly interface that encourages active participation by all staff members.
– Regulatory Compliance: Keep the organization in line with the latest legal requirements for workplace ethics and whistleblowing.

Simplified process

A report is made

You will receive an email notification. You will be able to enter the platform to view the case.

Taking charge of the case

As a first step you should put change the status of the report to "processing," so the reporter understands that his request has been taken care of.

Further dialogue

If you need to ask more questions you can dialogue anonymously with the reporter by asking questions or asking to provide documents.


Once the case is resolved change the status of the report to "Resolved". The reporter will review.
Free Trial

As of 15 July 2023, companies with more than 250 employees are obliged to implement an internal channel for handling whistleblowing. However, for companies with between 50 and 249 employees, you have until 17 December 2023 (Legislative Decree 24/2023)

Try EuroEtica for free

Create an account and see how it works. And all without obligation, no payment or data required.
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Book a DEMO

Get an expert on WhistleBlowing to explain how it works. We will show you the platform and can give you advice on how to bring your company up to standard in just a few clicks.
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FAQ on EuroEtica and whistleblowing

Is my identity protected when I submit a report?

Yes. Our platform is designed to protect the identity of whistleblowers. You have the option to submit reports anonymously and we have strict measures in place to guarantee your privacy.

What happens after sending a report?

Once submitted, the report is reviewed by a team or designated individual within the organization. These will investigate the matter and take appropriate action based on their findings.

Can I send a report if I am not completely sure of the impropriety?

Yes. It is best to report possible impropriety so that it can be investigated. However, make sure that all reports are made in good faith.

What if I suffer retaliation for reporting an incident?

Retaliation against whistleblowers is strictly prohibited. If you believe you will suffer any form of retaliation for having submitted a report, please inform the platform immediately.
The free reporting solution for your company.
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