Whistleblowing in Sweden

In Sweden, the new whistleblowing law, based on an EU directive, requires organizations with 50 or more employees to establish internal channels for reporting misconduct. Swedish companies with more than 250 employees had to implement these channels by July 17, 2022, while for organizations with between 50 and 249 employees, the deadline is December 17, 2023. Be prepared for the new whistleblowing legislation in Sweden-we can help you meet all legal requirements.

The law took effect on December 17, 2023.
Failure to establish such channels may result in criminal penalties.
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The EU Directive on Whistleblowing.

The EU Directive on Whistleblowing

The EU Whistleblowing Directive applies to areas such as the fight against fraud, corruption, environmental protection and product safety. Provides protection for reporters from retaliation and discrimination by requiring organizations to establish secure internal reporting channels and member states to have external channels.

L’identità del segnalante deve rimanere confidenziale e deve essere fornito un feedback tempestivo sulle segnalazioni. I segnalanti sono protetti legalmente, con diritto a rimedi e consulenza legale. Infine, le organizzazioni devono promuovere la consapevolezza sul whistleblowing e sono previste sanzioni per violazioni della riservatezza o ostacoli alle segnalazioni.

Why you need to use EuroEtica as your whistleblowing system

Choose EuroEtica for a whistleblowing system that emphasizes confidentiality, security, and ease of use. Our platform ensures anonymous, secure reporting, encouraging a transparent and accountable workplace culture. Prevent crises and protect your organization’s integrity with EuroEtica.
Prevent crises and protect your organization’s integrity with EuroEtica.

Simplified process

A report is made

You will receive an email notification. You will be able to enter the platform to view the case.

Taking charge of the case

As a first step you should put change the status of the report to "processing," so the reporter understands that his request has been taken care of.

Further dialogue

If you need to ask more questions you can dialogue anonymously with the reporter by asking questions or asking to provide documents.


Once the case is resolved change the status of the report to "Resolved". The reporter will review.
Free trial

FAQ on EuroEtica and whistleblowing

Are reports stored securely?

Absolutely. We use state-of-the-art encryption and security protocols to ensure that all reports and the information contained within them are stored securely.

Who has access to the reports?

Only designated personnel, such as compliance officers or designated investigative teams, have access to the reports. This ensures confidentiality and a proper, unbiased investigation.

How long are reports stored on the platform?

Reports are stored as per the organization’s data retention policies and in compliance with relevant Lawss and regulations. After the stipulated period, the reports are securely deleted.
The free reporting solution for your company.
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